This is a little story about one sad lonely ripe banana, a very hungry baby and a mommy who likes the idea of giving her baby the very best she can.
Take said lonely banana
try to calm hungry baby down by telling her you are about to make her the yummiest yummy mushy gooshy wooshy. (babies like it when you talk baby talk, so now is a good time to talk it up)![](
Break that little lonely banana and put it in a magic bullet or in a bowl to mush on your own with a forky-fork.
Press down and watch the magic begin!
I love my little baby making food thingy. I've used it with all my kids, it's so easy to use and clean up is a breeze. Plus it's kinda fun. (did I just lose all my credibility saying it was fun?!)
Instant yummy baby food, no fillers, no added whatevers, no preservatives.
Just plain ol' perfect fruit for your perfect little bean.
(the bean is the baby, for some reason i like to call my baby"bean". go on hate me for it!)
Grab a spoon
Feed that hungry little bean to get a happy baby! A taste for the babe, a taste for you!
"Thank you Mommy!!!"
"Thank you lady!"
Wanna know the best part? It seriously took under 1 min for me to make this and I bought a whole bunch of very ripe lonely bananas for $1.29. Wanna know the cost of ONE jar of baby food? 50 cents, for an itty-bitty jar, 50 cents for ONE itty-bitty serving! My one banana gave me at least 2 servings. So let's bust out those brains and figure this math puzzle out...
Banana Bunch $1.29
2 servings per banana, 6 bananas = 12 servings total
One small jar baby food $0.50
$0.50 x 12 servings = $6.00
Overall savings? $4.71
Banana Bunch $1.29
2 servings per banana, 6 bananas = 12 servings total
One small jar baby food $0.50
$0.50 x 12 servings = $6.00
Overall savings? $4.71
Freeze extra servings in ice trays for later.
Now go get your baby food making groove on!
Now go get your baby food making groove on!